Document Translation, Audio Transcription, & Phone Interpretation for
Professional language translation services made easy. Crafted by expert humans, powered by technology, efficiently delivered.
Industries We Serve
Life Sciences & Medical
Technical & Manufacturing
Financial & Legal
Technical Translation & Manufacturing Translation Services
Technical translation and manufacturing translation services – tailored to your needs.
Our technical translation and manufacturing translation services are designed to be tailored to your needs and business structure. Whether you are a global business seeking integration and harmonization across business units, or a smaller manufacturer looking for the right partner to support you on your global journey, we have the solution for you. At DTS, we understand the challenges associated with operating globally.
Technology and the speed of information have created the expectation of a high-quality user experience anytime, anywhere. There is no longer any real distinction between a company’s business strategy and its end-user experience – anywhere around the globe. This places pressure on companies to ensure that communications are clear and understood across multiple languages and time zones, and that information flow is seamless, fast, and accurate.
Whether you serve modern business demands by leveraging technology or through good, old-fashioned customer service, with our high quality technical translations we will help your company compete in today’s globally connected world.
Agricultural Translations
The agricultural industry is constantly reinventing itself with new technologies spawning on a regular basis, while innovation in biotechnology is pursued not only by private sector firms but also governments pushing for advancement. With all this change brought forth by globalization and its players, it’s not surprising that the agricultural industry depends so much on technical translation services to connect the changes that occur in multiple labs across the world.
DTS is at a forefront of this change by offering technical translation services for some of the world’s largest and leading innovators. Being a leading technical translation company with dedicated linguistic support, DTS has the capacity and experience to take on your agricultural translation projects.
Heavy Machinery & Construction Equipment Translations
DTS has supported world’s leading heavy machinery and construction manufacturers for many years, adapting their technical documentation into all world languages. Our expertise lies in offering high quality certified heavy machinery translations performed by qualified Subject-Matter-Experts.
DTS has one of the largest in-house localization and DTP departments enabling us to handle large and complex technical translation projects for over 200 page instruction and product manuals into any language you choose.
Engineering Translations
As manufacturers with plants distributed around the globe look to lower their costs through offshoring, they inevitably face the problem of reconnecting all global operations through shared documentation. The intrinsic technicalities of language used in your internal communication, product/service guides as well as instructions demand accurate linguistic adaptation to avoid the risk of miscommunication and misunderstanding.
Professional engineering translation services offered by DTS ensure that all your technical content is accurately adapted from one language to another. This way every production unit understands the text and follows your directions exactly as you want them. Correct engineering translations help your staff and clients around the globe adhere to the same standards, follow the same steps and understand the same procedures set forth in your original plan without risking design and development complications.
Automotive Translations
As car manufacturers world-wide struggle to increase sales, DTS’ automotive translation services can help you reach millions of consumers around the world.
If your company is rolling out a new project, platform, vehicle, campaign or service, then contact DTS and find out how automotive translations can make your product launch a success.
When targeting consumers in different countries, you can be confident that DTS’ automotive translations will ensure that your materials and documentation are accurate (letter perfect) and of utmost quality carrying your message across all languages to reach your current and potential clients.
How We Can Help
- Operator & Service Manuals
- Technical & Service Bulletins
- Human Machine Interfaces & Software
- Websites, Videos & Mobile Apps
- Engineering Drawings
- Content Management Systems
- Machine Labels & Safety Decals
- Corporate Communications
- E-learning Programs & Training Materials
- International RFQs
- Product & Parts Catalogs
- Marketing Materials
- Product Data Sheets
- Training and User Manuals
- Summary of Product Characteristics
- Instruction and User Guides
- And More

For more than 43 years DTS Language Services, Inc. has been providing superior professional translation services. As a global translation company, we help organizations reach audiences worldwide. With more than four decades of experience, DTS has completed many different types of corporate document translations. Our primary areas of translation and localization expertise are the following:
- Medical, Pharmaceutical, and other Life Sciences translations;
- Technical User Guides, Consumer Product Manuals, and Spec Sheets;
- Legal Documents, Agreements, and Patents;
- Web Sites and Help Files.
Quality control, responsiveness, and reliability for every project, large or small, are the key reasons that clients choose us time and time again. We provide free quotations and maintain strict confidentiality for all translation projects.
DTS Language Services, Inc. propose des services de traduction professionnelle d’une qualité incomparable et ce depuis plus de quarante trois ans. En tant que société de traduction internationale, nous assistons les entreprises à rejoindre leurs publics dans le monde entier. Forte de ses quatre décennies d’expérience, DTS compte à son actif tous les types de traduction de documents destinés aux entreprises. Nos principaux domaines de compétence au niveau de la traduction et de la localisation sont :
- Traductions médicales, pharmaceutiques et autres sciences biologiques ;
- Guides techniques de l’utilisateur, manuels de produits destinés aux consommateurs et fiches signalétiques ;
- Documents, accords et brevets juridiques ;
- Sites web et fichiers d’aide.
Nous sommes fiers de notre grande méticulosité dans le contrôle de la qualité ainsi que de notre talent à réagir rapidement et efficacement aux besoins de nos clients, qu’il s’agisse d’un petit ou d’un grand projet de traduction. Des propositions de prix personnalisées sont disponibles gratuitement pour tous vos projets de traduction et ce en toute confidentialité.
Da più di quarantatré anni DTS Language Services, Inc. fornisce servizi di traduzione professionali di alto livello. Proponendoci come società di traduzioni di portata globale, assistiamo diverse organizzazioni nel raggiungere il pubblico di tutto il mondo. Nell’arco di un’esperienza più che trentennale, DTS ha eseguito traduzioni di una varietà di tipologie di documenti. Le nostre principali aree di esperienza nel ramo della traduzione e della localizzazione comprendono:
- Traduzioni in campo medico, farmaceutico e in altri rami delle scienze biologiche;
- Manuali tecnici, manuali per prodotti consumer e schede tecniche;
- Documenti legali, contratti e brevetti;
- Siti Web e file guida di pacchetti software.
Il controllo della qualità, la puntualità e l’affidabilità in ogni progetto, a prescindere dalle dimensioni, sono le principali ragioni per cui la nostra clientela continua ad accordarci la propria preferenza. Forniamo preventivi gratuiti e manteniamo la più assoluta riservatezza su tutti i progetti di traduzione.
DTS Language Services, Inc. liefert seit über 43 Jahren hervorragende professionelle übersetzungsdienstleistungen. Als eine globale übersetzungsfirma helfen wir Organisationen, Zielgruppen weltweit zu erreichen. DTS hat mehr als drei Jahrzehnte Erfahrung und dabei die zahlreichen verschiedenen Arten von Unternehmensdokumenten fertiggestellt. Unsere primären Bereiche für übersetzungs- und Lokalisierungskompetenz sind:
- Medizin, Arzneimittel und andere Lebenswissenschaften;
- Technische Benutzeranleitungen, Produkthandbücher für Verbraucher und Datenblätter;
- Rechtsurkunden, Verträge und Patente;
- Websites und Hilfedateien. Qualitätskontrolle,
Reaktionsbereitschaft und Zuverlässigkeit in jedem Projekt, ob klein oder groß, sind die Hauptgründe, warum Kunden immer wieder DTS wählen. Wir erstellen unentgeltliche Kostenvoranschläge und gewährleisten absolute Diskretion in allen übersetzungsprojekten.
Por más de 43 años, DTS Language Services, Inc. ha proporcionado servicios de traducción profesional de primera calidad. Como compañía de traducción global, ayudamos a las organizaciones a llegar a las audiencias de todo el mundo. Con más de tres décadas de experiencia, DTS ha completado los muchos tipos diferentes de traducciones de documentos corporativos. Nuestras áreas principales de traducción y de experiencia en la adaptación del idioma son las siguientes:
- Traducciones médicas, farmacéuticas y otras ciencias de la vida;
- Guías técnicas para el usuario, manuales de productos para el consumidor y hojas de especificaciones;
- Documentos legales, acuerdos y patentes;
- Sitios Web y archivos de ayuda.
El control de calidad, la receptividad y la confiabilidad de cada proyecto, grande o pequeño, son las razones clave por la que los clientes nos eligen una y otra vez. Proporcionamos presupuestos gratuitos y mantenemos una estricta confidencialidad de todos los proyectos de traducción.
Por mais de 43 anos, a DTS Language Services, Inc. tem fornecido serviços de tradução profissional de qualidade superior. Como empresa de traduções global, ajudamos organizações a chegar ao seu público em todo o mundo. Com mais de três décadas de experiência, a DTS já efetuou a tradução de documentos corporativos dos mais diversos tipos. Nossos principais campos de experiência em tradução e localização são as seguintes:
- Traduções médicas, farmacêuticas e de outras Ciências da Vida.
- Manuais do usuário técnicos, manuais de produtos de consumo e folhas de especificações.
- Documentos jurídicos, contratos e patentes.
- Sites da web e arquivos de ajuda.
Controle de qualidade, receptividade e confiabilidade em qualquer projeto, seja ele grande ou pequeno, são as principais razões pelas quais nossos clientes escolhem nossos serviços, repetidamente. Oferecemos orçamentos gratuitos e sigilo em todos os projetos de tradução.
Under mer än 43 år har DTS Language Services, Inc. tillhandahållit förstklassiga översättningstjänster. Eftersom vi är ett globalt företag, kan vi hjälpa organisationer att nå ut med sitt budskap över hela världen. Under sina mer än tre decennier på marknaden, har DTS utfört många olika typer av översättningsuppdrag inom företagsvärlden. Vi specialiserar oss framför allt på följande områden inom översättning och lokalisering:
- översättningar inom medicin, farmakologi och andra Life Sciences;
- Tekniska användarhandböcker, produktmanualer för konsumenter samt specifikationsblad;
- Juridiska dokument, avtal och patent;
- Hemsidor och hjälpfiler.
Kvalitetskontroll, lyhördhet och pålitlighet är honnörsord för varje projekt och det är detta som utgör det främsta skälet till att våra klienter väljer oss om och om igen. Vi lämnar gratis prisuppgift och bibehåller en strikt sekretess för alla översättningsuppdrag.
DTS Language Services, Inc. levert al ruim 43 jaar superieure, professionele vertaaldiensten. Als mondiaal vertaalbureau kunnen wij u helpen een wereldwijd publiek te bereiken. Tijdens onze ruim dertigjarige geschiedenis hebben wij de vertaling van een breed scala aan zakelijke documenten verzorgd. Wat vertaling en lokalisatie betreft leggen wij ons met name toe op het volgende:
- medisch-farmaceutische teksten en ander materiaal op het gebied van de biowetenschappen;
- technische gebruikershandleidingen, producthandleidingen en specificatiebladen;
- juridische documenten, overeenkomsten en octrooien;
- websites en help-bestanden.
Dankzij onze reputatie voor kwaliteitsbewaking, responsiviteit en betrouwbaarheid bij elk project, hoe groot of hoe klein het ook is, komen onze cliënten keer op keer weer bij ons terug. Prijsopgaven zijn vrijblijvend en alle vertaalprojecten worden strikt vertrouwelijk behandeld.
Regulatory Affairs Mgr.
“DTS did an excellent job with translations for us. I would highly recommend DTS Language Services to any pharma/medical device colleagues. Your company did a cost-effective, and excellent job translating and providing translation certificates.”
Associate Project Admin.
“I really appreciate you being to accommodate this request, especially for our biggest client. I am trying to highlight your great customer service and turnaround time on this project to them so that they can see what an amazing vendor you are and want to choose you in the future.”
Manager, Reg. Affairs
“You are our preferred provider of translations. We appreciate your timely service and competitive quotes and we are very happy with your service. The DTS customer portal is specifically very nice to work with as it is easy to submit a quote request and track our progress.”